Habits can be great for you, such as flossing consistently to preserve oral health, or they can rather be a problem, such as smoking, or something I struggle with from time to time: doomscrolling. I think part of the reason I sometimes get caught in the loop of scrolling endlessly is that I actually get […]
Learning and Memory
I have played sports my whole life—swimming, tennis, basketball, track, cycling, fencing, soccer—you name it, I have probably tried it. Even though I loved working hard and competing, I still remember boys snidely remarking, “Girls can’t play sports” or “You run like such a girl!” I tried not to listen, but I would be lying if […]
Have you ever found yourself struggling to remember your babysitter’s name from childhood? Or what about remembering if you ate a full meal before 8 PM? If you’re anything like me, some details are often discarded immediately from memory, but others are sometimes weirdly retained for years. Some days, I can remember the cool jacket […]
Do you remember your prom? Do you remember your 16th birthday? Do you remember your first day of school? People usually have detailed memories of important autobiographical events. These events are usually represented in memory as being tied to a specific context and a specific moment in time. But, this specificity in recall is not […]
I have a fairly straightforward relationship with dairy: I partake in its delicious fruits semi-regularly and it, in turn, completely devastates my guts. Yet despite this connection between lactose consumption and gastrointestinal distress—a correlation that I can only describe as very strong—it somehow took me several years to fully realize that, yes, I’m lactose intolerant. […]
How am I supposed to learn my way around this confusing new place? Picture the following situation: you’re on vacation, you’ve spent all day (and then some) in airports and on planes, and you’ve finally made it to your hotel. Now you’ve got to find your room, and you need to remember how to get […]
Is this the right assessment for you? Is it right for me? Imagine you’re back in school (it may have been a while for you!) and you’re undergoing some kind of psychometric assessment, perhaps to see if you need extra support to be the best student you can be. If you’re reading this, it’s probably […]
Many of us have things that we look forward to when the weather gets cooler – the usual apple picking, pumpkin carving, admiring the fall leaves, and (how could I forget) the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. One thing that I don’t particularly look forward to is the dense fog that happens around this time of […]
When was the last time you learned something without even trying? If your answer was “never”, you might be surprised to find out that much of what we learn in our day-to-day lives comes to us fairly effortlessly. This is because we’re remarkably good at picking up on patterns in our environment. From a young […]
Learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so why do our recommendations for “strategic learning” ignore context? When we think about investigating learning – what it is and what processes are involved – we might think about it in ways similar to how Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) proposed in their model of human memory: Maybe you […]