It’s five o’clock somewhere, but where? Uncovering our spatial representations of time

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the past year. Now imagine mapping out your plans for the upcoming year. If you had to point to a location that corresponds to “tomorrow” or “next month,” where would it be? What about “yesterday”? Chances are, next month is somewhere to the right of tomorrow. […]

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Connecting the dots when we can’t see them: Unconscious learning of probability

When was the last time you learned something without even trying? If your answer was “never”, you might be surprised to find out that much of what we learn in our day-to-day lives comes to us fairly effortlessly. This is because we’re remarkably good at picking up on patterns in our environment. From a young […]

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From duck herding to pillow fighting: Making sense of observed action

If you’re like me, you’ve been busy trying out new hobbies in the last couple of years. Maybe you’ve taken up gardening, sculpting, hiking, or knitting. Or perhaps you’ve taken up a more unusual one: competitive duck herding, extreme ironing, ostrich racing, or worm charming. (Yes, these are all real activities!). But before you run […]

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He’s right behind you! Distraction by gaze cues is difficult to override

One of life’s most difficult challenges is keeping information a secret, even when well-intentioned. Imagine you need to plan a surprise party for your dad. You send out the invitations, order a cake, and buy the decorations. When you’re talking over these details with your brother, he suddenly looks toward the door. Naturally, you look […]

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A bright approach to eye movement analysis: Tools for studying the saccade main sequence

We’ll start this one off with a trivia question (and perhaps a bad joke). What do astronomers and researchers who study eye movements have in common? For one, they both have a keen interest in orbits! The other thing they have in common? When describing eye movements, vision researchers use a term that’s actually borrowed […]

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What’s hiding in your reaction time data? New features of visual search behavior from hazard analysis

Sometimes, it seems like the most simple tasks are also the most frustrating. Take the junk drawer in your kitchen, for example. They’re in every home, we’re not proud of them, and whenever we spend several minutes looking for the vegetable peeler when cooking dinner, we promise ourselves that one day, we will get this […]

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