#AS50: A brief conclusion with pointers to the articles

The #AS50 digital event concluded last week. The posts for this event coincided with the publication of a special issue of Memory & Cognition that celebrated the impact on cognitive science of a paper published by Richard C. Atkinson and Richard M. Shiffrin in 1967.

The paper, given the hashtag #AS50 for our event, reported the results of several years of research, and was entitled Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes. The paper has been cited more than 10,000 times and has clearly had a major impact on the field.

The digital event consists of the following posts:

The special issue of Memory & Cognition was guest edited by Kenneth J. Malmberg, Jeroen G.W. Raaijmakers, and Richard M. Shiffrin. All of the 19 articles are currently open access and accessible through this landing page.

Here is the table of contents with direct links to the articles:


  • Stephan Lewandowsky

    Stephan Lewandowsky's research examines memory, decision making, and knowledge structures, with a particular emphasis on how people update information in memory. He has also contributed nearly 50 opinion pieces to the global media on issues related to climate change "skepticism" and the coverage of science in the media.

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