Taking things at face value: How social hierarchy influences perception

You may not get a second chance to make a first impression, but how important are first impressions really? According to the authors of an article recently published in the Psychonomic Society’s journal Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, “Human beings live in a social environment that functions through the establishment of hierarchies, with individuals acting as […]

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Why you should check–not just test–your statistical assumptions

Picture this. After a long and effortful process of gathering data for your latest experiment, you sit down in front of the computer, coffee in hand, ready to analyze the results. Before you dive into interpreting your analyses and seeing whether your predictions came to fruition, you decide to check the assumptions for your statistical […]

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Cognitive spendthrifts: How human biases may stem from more complicated–not simple–processing

Picture yourself sitting in front of a seemingly endless stack of exams to grade, full of open-ended questions, with responses demonstrating varying levels of understanding. Now imagine your joy when you flip open an exam with a first response that just gets it. An exceptional answer that demonstrates a true mastery of the material. Did […]

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Decisions, decisions: How gender shapes choices

Are your decisions tied to your gender? Prior research has shown gender differences in financial and career-related decisions, like choosing what to invest in or entrepreneurship. Research has suggested that this may be related to the greater risk sensitivity in women compared to men. But is this true in all situations? “Do men and women […]

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Zone out to take it all in

Here’s a challenge. While you read this post, I want you to stay completely focused. Don’t let your attention drift – no checking emails, thinking about your lunch plans, or petting your dog. Sounds easy enough, right? Sometimes, it’s hard to pay attention. Sometimes the task is too difficult, sometimes other things distract you, or […]

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