We have much to look forward to in the New Year, including reading and hearing about new cognitive science from Psychonomic Society members and published in the Society’s journals. We thought we’d take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year and to remind you of the Society’s digital content features that are available and to inform you of 2020 news.
Digital content
The digital content team will be reading and blogging on your papers that are published in the Society’s journals. If one of your papers was accepted in a PS journal, and you’d like us to feature it in a blogpost, then please email the Digital Content Editor. One of the 2020 Digital Team, which is made of familiar and new faces of Digital Content Team, will write the post. Here is the new complete lineup:

We also would like to encourage you to use our other resources. If you are teaching a cognitive psychology course, you can customise the Featured Content to cater to your students’ learning (see example here). If you want to set up a landing page for your course, then please email Digital Content Editor.
Also, the growing number of resources for research are available here. If you have a recently article published in our Society’s journal and would like to share the resources, then please email Digital Content Editor.
And, as always, stay tuned for upcoming digital events. There are some great ones on the horizon.
Finally if you have an content idea which would be useful for members and would find a good home within the Society’s online content, then please email Digital Content Editor.
Some of the Society’s changes in the new year include:
The new Governing Board Chair: James Pomerantz
Two new Governing Board members:
- Steve Lewandowsky
- Caren Rotello
And four new Editors:
- Behavior Research Methods: Marc Brysbaert
- Memory & Cognition: Ayanna Thomas
- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review: James Brockmole
- Psychonomic Society Featured Content: Laura Mickes
The Society is looking for new editors for the journals Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience (CABN) and Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (AP&P). The new Editors will begin accepting submissions on January 1, 2021. Submit your nominations by February 15, 2020.
The Psychonomic Society’s 2021 Annual Meeting will be held in Austin, Texas, USA. The average daily temperature for the month of November is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius), which is a tad bit warmer than the average daily 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) temperature in November in Montreal where we held our last Annual Meeting.
See you on Twitter @Psychonomic_Soc.