Society Matters

Psychonomic Impact: Canopus or Pleiades?

The latest impact factors for the Society’s journals have just been released and are shown in the table below: The data suggest that there may be an overall increase in the impact factors of the Society’s portfolio, although the number of years shown (3 years) is too short to permit us to be confident. However, it’s clearly […]

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New Service: Online Studies for Members

As part of the Psychonomic Society’s efforts to upscale its digital presence, we are introducing a new service by enabling members to post links to online experiments on the Society’s webpage. The new facility will be given its own page, Online Studies for Members, and the guidelines governing the use of this page are as follows: […]

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Letter from America – via Edinburgh: Words from the Chair of the Governing Board

I was a fan of Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letter from America’ presented on BBC Radio 4 until shortly before he died in 2004. As a USA-based British journalist he provided major insights for Radio 4 listeners over nearly six decades of political and cultural life in North America. Rarely did he touch on science but he […]

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Join the conversation at this week’s Annual Meeting

The annual meeting in Long Beach is rapidly approaching. Unlike previous years, the meeting will feature a social-media angle—and everybody attending the meeting is welcome to contribute. We will be running a Twitter stream with a dedicated hashtag, #Psynom14. If you are new to social media and are unsure about how to get started, we have three […]

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More on social media: Twitter Tech Tips and Facebook Features

In a previous post, Dorothy Bishop explained why it is that research scientists might be interested in using Twitter. I share her views, having been moderately active on Twitter for a few years under my handle @STWorg. I have lost count of the number of really interesting papers and articles that I have come across using Twitter. Although it […]

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Announcing the Psychonomic Society’s Featured Content Section

Thursday, September 25, 2014 The academic publishing business is undergoing a revolutionary transition. Within the last few years, conventional ‘paper’ publishing modes have become nearly obsolete and most scholarly literature is now online. On the face of it, this shift is merely technological. However, the technological shift has been accompanied by substantial cultural shifts towards […]

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