Society Matters

Diversity in the Psychonomic Society: Now More than Ever

This post is a message from Duane Watson with the Psychonomic Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee: Valerie Reyna (Chair), Laura Carlson, Ivy Defoe, Jean Fox Tree, Alejandro Lleras, Janet Metcalfe, and Travis Seymour. The Psychonomic Society is committed to diversity in all of its forms.  In this post, we focus on one of the diversity challenges that our […]

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Nursing psychology: Welcome to Kimele Persaud

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our new Digital Associate Editor, Kimele Persaud, who joined our team a few weeks ago. Welcome, Kimele, great to have you. Kimele is currently a graduate student in Psychology at Rutgers University, where she works with Dr. Pernille Hemmer on computational models of memory. Kimele started out as […]

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Dobby did it!

Dobby. Dobby did it! We have a new and powerful platform for the Featured Content section of the Psychonomic webpage. The team of elves at TRG (a Hogwarts subsidiary) has worked tirelessly behind the scences to convert all our existing content to the new platform. The chief deputy elf, Ryan Stoeffler, deserves a particular “thank-you” for […]

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Jekyll, Hyde and Seek? The promises and pitfalls of establishing a work persona on social media

Setting the stage: a packed room in the Austria Center Vienna, venue of the International Convention of Psychological Science from 23-25 March 2017. Six speakers from various research areas, some in the audience already tweeting about the session before it even started. The session focused on the use of Social Media to Promote Professional Development, […]

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Psychonomic Diversity: A thumbnail sketch

The Psychonomic Society underscored its commitment to diversity and equality in three recent posts (here, here, and here). Moreover, the Society is one of more than 160 scientific organizations that signed an open letter to President Trump to protest the Executive Order that bans visitors from a set of 7 predominantly Muslim countries. Those statements […]

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