Mobilizing behavioral scientists to respond to COVID-19

When it became clear that the world was about to change from the global pandemic, the Psychonomic Society went into action. The Governing Board Chair, Jim Pomerantz, contacted me (I think because I am the Editor-in-Chief of a PS journal, Learning & Behavior) to suggest that we might be able to help stem the spread […]

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The Behavioral Science response to COVID-19 Working Group: Recommendations to promote hand washing

The novel coronavirus spreads through human interactions with people who are infected. Therefore, changing human behavior is a powerful, low cost, immediate intervention to stem the pandemic. The immediacy is critically important as advancements in medical sciences take substantial periods of time before safety and effectiveness can be documented. By contrast, behavioral scientists have amassed […]

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The Behavioral science response to COVID-19 Working Group: Recommendations to increase social distancing

We are all bombarded with the message that we should practice social distancing, but each of us has likely seen striking violations of the goal. What can behavioral sciences uniquely contribute? The recommendations detailed in the infographic and video below were made by the Behavioral Science Response to COVID-19 Working Group. The goal of the […]

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The Behavioral Science Response to COVID-19 Working Group: Recommendations to reduce face touching

Human behavior plays a large role in the spread of coronavirus. Behavioral scientists are therefore a unique resource for changing human behavior in ways that can reduce the spread, including social distancing, handwashing, and face touching.  Reduce face touching Research has shown that we touch our faces far more often than we may realize, about 23 times […]

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An Outlook on the Field

New developments appear rapidly in unpredictable places. How can we stay up to date on these advances? In an earlier era, we subscribed to a small number of journals and read the tables of contents of a few more. This strategy covered most major developments in one’s field. Those days are over. Increasingly, groundbreaking new […]

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