The digital event dedicated to preregistration drew to a close last week, after a series of 8 posts. #PSprereg has now been given a permanent home, at this landing page. Feel free to bookmark the page or circulate the link to interested parties for easy (and permanent) access to the collection of 8 posts.
As of today (26 January 2019), the posts attracted around 7,500 readers. For a society with around 4,100 members that is not a bad effort!
In addition to the discussion in the comment stream below some of the the posts, there has been much discussion of the event on Twitter. Because not all readers follow Twitter, I have provided links to some of the many interesting threads below (thanks to Brad Wyble for providing those):
On using umbrellas indoors
Some in this conversation think @richarddmorey is worried abt possible future that's very unlikely. I don't understand. I think the concerns are reasonable & we *already* have a scientific culture that is inflexible in how we think/talk about good (empirical) research. #psprereg
— Iris van Rooij 💭 (@IrisVanRooij) January 16, 2019
On Registered Reports and Exploration
Different types of scientists
Really appreciated @richarddmorey's post but actually disliked the use of terms 'good' vs 'bad scientist'. I think that terminology is especially unhelpful in this context because reformers tend to point fingers but not always willing to reflect on limits of their own practices.
— Iris van Rooij 💭 (@IrisVanRooij) January 16, 2019
On Playing 20 questions
On Modelling
Preregistration and Models
I'm facing this right now. I can pre-reg my expt and data analysis all day. I can pre-reg my model predictions. But I can't say exactly how I'll develop the model if the data don't follow model predictions. And if you are a modeler, you KNOW 1/2
— ac (@_a_c__) January 17, 2019
On the Order of Operations