Drugs save lives – but what about their side effects? Who can remember them?

Statins reliably reduce cholesterol levels and help save lives by preventing or ameliorating cardiovascular disease. But they have side effects: About 1 in 10 people suffer nosebleeds, a sore throat, headaches, or muscle and joint pain, to name but a few of the common side effects. On balance, however, statins are widely believed to be saving lives. So […]

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I am social therefore I am intelligent? Chimpanzees vs. bears

Understanding the factors that have shaped the evolution of intelligence is a fundamental issue in animal cognition. The social intelligence hypothesis suggests that the physical environment does not present the kind of challenges that lead to the evolution of a flexible, intelligent mind, whereas the social environment does. The hypothesis suggests that social animals will be either […]

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Music in the eye of the beholder

When riding on a bus or the subway these days, I tend to be surrounded by people who seem to exist in a different space. With vacant eyes, they look like they have successfully separated themselves from their perceptual environment. The secret weapon against outside intrusion of their own thoughts seems to be a set […]

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Can you train your brain? Or should you go jogging instead?

Does “brain training” make you smarter, more alert, and (cognitively) younger all around? If you pay for brain training software, is that a smart investment? The people who sell this software presumably think so. But not everyone agrees. The websites of the Stanford Center on Longevity and the Max-Planck Institute for Human Development recently posted […]

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I know this guy. But wait, what was his name?

As self-aware beings, we humans seem to be in a constant dance between our information storage faculties and our own assessment of those faculties—I think I remember that familiar-looking person’s name, but how sure am I?  This dance guides our behavior.  Sometimes we act on what we remember (“go say hi!”).  Sometimes we don’t (“I’m […]

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Ready for everything – Accommodating variability in accented speech

In an increasingly globalized world, one of the most important things we have to do is understand people from different parts of the world and the things they say. Not only are there an estimated 5,000 different languages on Earth today, but also the number of non-native speakers of English vastly outnumbers the number of […]

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Optimal learning competition: Mastering Lithuanian in an hour

Psychologists from the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London (UCL) have launched a unique international competition, with a $10,000 prize, to find the best way of tackling a memory problem faced by millions of people every day, namely how best to learn foreign language vocabulary. Dr Rosalind Potts and I have teamed up […]

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