This Digital Event focuses on the scientific contributions of Lawrence Barsalou (pictured below).

Articles in this Digital Event:
- Digital Event honoring Larry Barsalou — Still grounded after all these years
- Larry Barsalou – enthusiasm, flexibility, and depth
- Formidable, flexible, friendly, and fun
- Grounding concepts in the brain
- Ad hoc concepts as a fundamental operating principle of the brain?
- Positively influencing people
- Larry Barsalou, the influencer
- Honoring Larry Barsalou, a cherished mentor
- Great scientist and even greater person
- Perceptual symbols to the rescue
- Grounding research in passion
- David Kemmerer (co-organizer of the Digital Event)
- Anna Borghi
- Diane Pecher and Rene Zeelenberg
- Alex Martin
- Lisa Feldman Barrett
- Ken McRae
- Guy Dove
- Christy Wilson-Mendenhall
- Christoph Scheepers
- Rolf Zwaan
- Léo Dutriaux
My empirical and theoretical work focuses mainly on how people’s knowledge of word meanings is implemented in their brains. I am especially interested in the relationships between semantics, grammar, perception, and action, and in cross-linguistic similarities and differences in conceptual representation. I have published over 60 articles and chapters, and also wrote an introductory textbook called "Cognitive neuroscience of language" (1st edition 2015, 2nd edition 2022). In addition, a few years ago I wrote a more specialized book called "Concepts in the brain: the view from cross-linguistic diversity" (2019), and I’m currently writing another book called "The neuroscience of word meaning."
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Laura's research is focused on understanding basic and applied aspects of memory, including eyewitness memory. She is currently a Professor at the University of Bristol in the School of Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society Digital Content Editor.
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1 Comment
So richly deserved. Larry is one of the most creative and nicest people I have known. We met (45 years ago???) as grad students and he was already a thought leader and someone everyone wanted to talk to. I am so glad to see him honored in this way, just sorry I did not know before so I could contribute.