The Psychonomic Society launched its latest journal, Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications last week. We will celebrate the new journal, under its acronym CRPI—which is pronounced “Creepee” but in a nice way—for the remainder of this week.
Tomorrow we will hear from the founding editor, Jeremy Wolfe, and his thoughts about how the journal will seek to change the standard way that our discipline thinks about basic and applied research. CRPI publishes new empirical and theoretical work covering all areas of cognition, with a special emphasis on use-inspired basic research: fundamental research that grows from hypotheses about real-world problems—also known as “Pasteur’s Quadrant”. Articles in CRPI explain in a Significance section how their basic research serves to advance our understanding of the cognitive aspects of a problem with real-world applications.
In order to facilitate the translation of research into application, the journal is the Society’s first open access publication. That is, all articles are available to any reader anywhere in the world free of charge. Of course, the cost of publication has to be borne by someone, and so CRPI, like many other open-access journals, will be charging the authors. The charge for authors will be comparable or below that charged by other, large open-access journals. Members of the Psychonomic Society will pay even less, because they will receive a 30% discount on the charge.
But for the next 3 months we don’t have to worry about the finances at all: The Society and Springer have agreed to waive the publication fees for all manuscripts submitted to CRPI by December 31st, 2016.
So, submit your manuscript by December 31st, 2016, and if you are successful and the article is accepted, you will get an open access publication in Pasteur’s Quadrant for free.
Here is a list of the articles in the first issue of CRPI—the last two articles, with bold-faced authors, will be blogged later this week:
Seeing the unseen? Illusory causal filling in FIFA referees, players, and novices
Bayesian reasoning in residents’ preliminary diagnoses
Learning to interpret topographic maps: Understanding layered spatial information
ROC curve analyses of eyewitness identification decisions: An analysis of the recent debate
On the learning benefits of confidence-weighted testing
How to optimize switch virtual keyboards to trade off speed and accuracy
From hands to minds: Gestures promote understanding
The Society is proud of its new project and we look forward to receiving submissions from our members.