Grounding Concepts in the Brain

In the mid-1990’s, I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to explore how conceptual/semantic information was represented in the human brain.  One of these studies, published in Science in 1995, focused on the neural systems underpinning retrieval of information about the object-associated color and action, the other, published in Nature in 1996, focused on the neural systems underpinning identification of the object categories of animals and tools. As we stated at that time, the results of these studies suggested that object knowledge was stored as a distributed network of cortical regions and that the organization of these regions closely parallel the organization of sensory and motor systems in the human brain. This idea, in turn, was consistent with neuropsychological data on patients presenting with relatively focal deficits concerning a specific object attribute (e.g., patients with color agnosia), and from patients with so-called category-specific deficits (e.g., for animals and other living things). It was also consistent with data from nonhuman primates on the location of brain systems for processing specific object attributes like color and motion. Thus, these neuropsychological data provided both the motivation for our functional brain imaging studies and predictions for their outcome.

In stark contrast, cognitive psychology, dominated by amodal theories, had nothing to offer. Indeed, where information was located in the human brain was of little interest to cognitive psychologists and their theories were silent about how and where these ‘amodal’ symbols might be stored. It was against this backdrop that I became aware of Larry’s seminal publication, Perceptual Symbol Systems (Barsalou, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1999). Not only did Larry provide a strong argument against concept representations as amodal symbols but offered a compelling case for an alternative view of concepts as perceptual symbols, underpinned by what Larry termed, “records of the neural states that underlie perception” (Barsalou, BBS, 1999). So here was a fully fleshed out theory that offered predictions that were perfectly aligned with the results of our early studies on concept representation discussed above.

I’m not sure when I first met Larry, but I am sure it came about via a serendipitous meeting with one of his graduate students, Kyle Simmons, at a meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society in San Francisco, probably in the early 2000’s. By this time, I was a big fan of Larry’s work, and I knew that he was aware of our brain imaging studies because he referenced both of the above noted publications in Perceptual Symbol Systems (PSS). Thus, I was thrilled when Larry invited me to collaborate on some functional brain imaging studies that he and Kyle were planning to further test predictions derived from the PSS model.

The first of these (Simmons et al., Cerebral Cortex, 2005) evaluated visual recognition of appetizing foods. The critical finding was that viewing foods selectively activated a specific region of the insula cortex. Importantly, based on previously published work, we noted that this region of the insula was also active when subjects experienced tastes. So, as would be predicted from PSS, simply viewing pictures of foods activated a seemingly modality-specific brain region associated with a critical food-related property, taste. This finding also underscored the multimodal nature of brain regions typically assumed to be unimodal – another finding consistent with PSS. [As an aside, our claim in that report that viewing food images activated taste sensitive cortex was made by appealing to previously published studies on taste perception. When we did our study, we lacked the MRI-compatible equipment needed to deliver tastants to our subjects so that we could directly localize taste-sensitive insula cortex. As a result, we really didn’t know if the region we reported that was active when viewing food was the same, or simply nearby, the region active when experiencing tastes. It was not until several years later, when Kyle

Fig. Ventral view of the left hemisphere. Regions active when distinguishing subtle differences in hue are shown in yellow. The region responding to both perceiving and retrieving information about color is shown in red (from Martin, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2016).

Simmons was a post-doc in my lab, that we developed an MRI-compatible taste delivery apparatus that allowed us to verify that, in fact, viewing food images activated the same region of insula cortex active when subjects experienced tastes (Simmons et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2013. Also see Avery et al., PNAS, 2021, for evidence of differential patterns of activity in this region of the insula depending on the quality of the tastants (sweet, salty, sour) as well as the dominant taste quality (sweet, salty, sour) associated with the food images (e.g., candy, pretzels, lemons).]

Our next collaboration was on the representation of color concepts. A written, property verification task was used to probe knowledge of object color, and a color perception task was used to localize color-sensitive brain regions (Simmons et al., Neuropsychologia, 2007). The choice of the color localizer was particularly important. The task was developed by Michael Beauchamp, another post-doc in my lab at that time (Ken McRae was also a member of the all-star team that Larry assembled for this project). The task was modeled after the well-known clinical test of color perception, the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Task. Michael had previously shown that when subjects simply stared at the color stimuli, activity was limited to the very posterior regions of occipital cortex, consistent with many previous studies of color perception. However, when the task required selective attention to subtle differences in hue, multiple color sensitive regions were revealed, extending from occipital cortex downstream into posterior, ventral temporal cortex (Beauchamp et al., Cerebral Cortex, 1999). Using this more demanding task, we found that the verbal, color property verification task activated a region in ventral temporal cortex that precisely overlapped with the more anterior regions activated by the color perception task. This was an extremely important finding. Previous studies found that conceptual knowledge about color was localized anterior to, but not within, color perception regions as defined by passive viewing of colored stimuli (e.g., Martin et al., Science, 1995; Chao et al., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1999). The current study showed that, in fact, information about an object property was stored within the same system active during perception – a key prediction of PSS (see Fig).

These two studies are among my all-time favorites, and I believe they have had considerable impact on the field (the food study cited over 700 times, the color study over 500 times, according to Google Scholar). Although during the years following these reports, we have had fewer opportunities to interact, Larry had, and continues to have, considerable impact on my thinking about the nature of representations of concrete, as well as abstract, concepts (see Wilson-Mendenhall et al., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013).

So, Larry, thanks for that.


  • Alex Martin

    Dr. Martin received his B.A. from the City College of New York and his Ph.D. from the City University of New York. He did his post-doctoral work at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke on the breakdown of language and memory processes in Alzheimer's disease. In 1985 he joined the faculty of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences where he studied cognitive dysfunction associated with HIV infection. In 1990 he moved to the NIMH where he continued his work on cognitive abnormalities in neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. In 1997 Dr. Martin became the Chief of the Cognitive Neuropsychology Section, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition. Dr. Martin is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Society, and the American Psychological Association.

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1 Comment

  1. Alex, when I discovered your work, I experienced huge relief. I’d come to believe that computation in the brain trafficked heavily in multimodal representations, largely because neural computation with amodal symbols struck me as highly implausible, because computation with multimodal representations seemed totally plausible, and because of considerable indirect evidence for the latter view across multiple literatures. Yet, until your work, there was very little good direct evidence for it. At the time, one eminent researcher told me that I’d committed “professional suicide” by heading off in this direction. Another described my perspective as “cognitive psychology on acid.” Your brilliant work changed all that. We had the first compelling evidence that multimodal representations are associated with conceptual processing.

    I was not only immensely grateful for this initial evidence, I was also grateful for your helping my research group learn to perform neuroimaging experiments so that we could collect evidence like this ourselves. You were so generous with your time and expertise. Your work caused us to shift from doing behavioral work to doing cognitive and affective neuroscience. I also very much valued hearing how your previous clinical work with lesion patients led to the insights that motivated your imaging studies. I’ve always appreciated the ingenuity of all your work, along with its rigor and clarity.