Kimele Persaud is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University and a long-serving Digital Associate Editor (DAE; pictured below). Kimele has decided to leave the Digital Content team, much to my chagrin. This post is an interview about her time as a DAE. Having been familiar with her writings, I first met Kimele in real life […]
Society Matters
I’m pleased to introduce you to the newest Psychonomic Society Digital Associate Editor, Christie Chung (pictured below). Christie is a Professor at Mills College in Oakland, California where she investigates the impact of cultural differences and aging on emotional memory. As a memory researcher myself, I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with her response to my […]
Last January 2020, I stepped into the position of the Psychonomic Society Digital Content Editor. My very first post in that role was titled “New Year New Cognitive Science,” and with optimism, the post began with, We have much to look forward to in the New Year, including reading and hearing about new cognitive science […]
I talk with Lauren Williams about the announcement of an upcoming Special Issue. Transcription Intro Curley: You’re listening to All Things Cognition, a Psychonomic Society podcast. Interview Mickes: Hi Lauren. Thanks for talking to me. Williams: Hi Laura. Mickes: So you’re going to be a Guest Editor for a Special Issue in the journal Cognitive Research Principles and Implications […]
I’m delighted to welcome Jonathan Caballero and Travis Seale-Carlisle to the digital team as our newest Digital Associate Editors. Jonathan is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University. His main research interest involves the influences of perception on social interactions. He is currently investigating how communication impairments associated with Parkinson’s disease impacts social interactions. The […]
One of the Psychonomic Society’s journals, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, offers a class of articles known as “tutorial reviews”. The tutorial review mechanism is intended to serve as a high-level introductory review of relatively broad topics that fall within the domain of the journal. Tutorial reviews may be an attractive mechanism for authors looking to […]
#psynom19 concluded more than a week ago, and we have already provided a snapshot of the next generation of Psychonomes. Now it is time for a brief report on some other aspects of the annual meeting, in particular an analysis of our social media presence and in particular the services rendered by our volunteers who […]
The annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Montreal drew to a close last Sunday. Following tradition (anything that lasts more than 4 years surely qualifies as a tradition?), I e-interviewed a few mainly junior researchers who were presenting posters at the meeting. I hope this gives us a better sense of what the next […]
Bonjour-hi fellow Psychonomic Society Fellows and Members! Over 2,400 cognitive psychologists from around the world will descend on the city of Montréal for the Psychonomic Society 60thAnnual Meeting the week commencing November 11th, 2019. Keynote Around 60% of the citizens of Montreal and surrounding areas are bilingual in English and French. What a fitting venue for […]
The Psychomic Society’s Digital Team is welcoming another Digital Associate Editor: Brett Myers has joined our team. Because there have been quite a few recent changes to the team, here is the lineup of current Digital Associate Editors: The newest member, Brett Myers, is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders […]