#BayesInPsych: A digital event on the role of Bayesian statistics and modelling in psychology

This digital event focused on the role of Bayesian statistics and modelling in psychology. The event coincided with the publication of a special issue of the Psychonomic Bulletin & Review dedicated to Bayesian Inference for Psychology. The issue was guest edited by Joachim Vandekerckhove (University of California, Irvine), Jeffrey N. Rouder (University of California, Irvine, and University of Missouri), and John K. Kruschke (Indiana University).

The following posts, listed in their order of publication, contributed to this event:



  • Stephan Lewandowsky

    Stephan Lewandowsky's research examines memory, decision making, and knowledge structures, with a particular emphasis on how people update information in memory. He has also contributed nearly 50 opinion pieces to the global media on issues related to climate change "skepticism" and the coverage of science in the media.

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