Wide awake and seeing nothing: Men In Black or Multiple Inattentional Blindness?

If it weren’t for the “Men in Black” (M.I.B.), your life might be at constant risk from extraterrestrial activity on earth. The M.I.B. are best known for using “neuralizers” to erase witnesses’ memories of alien sightings. One might therefore wonder whether the M.I.B. considered Dan Simons and Chris Chabris famous gorilla as sufficiently extraterrestrial to neutralize him […]

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Ronaldo kicking golf balls

Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) is currently soccer’s best penalty kicker in La Liga with 35 goals in 37 penalties, which translates to a stunning 94.6% success rate. But really, how hard can it be? With a goal standing eight feet high and eight yards wide just 12 yards away from these professional soccer players, how could one […]

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Music in the eye of the beholder

When riding on a bus or the subway these days, I tend to be surrounded by people who seem to exist in a different space. With vacant eyes, they look like they have successfully separated themselves from their perceptual environment. The secret weapon against outside intrusion of their own thoughts seems to be a set […]

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